President Lula’s Health Update: Possible Sunday Discharge

“President Lula’s Health Update: Possible Sunday Discharge”
President Lula's Health Update

President Lula da Silva, aged 77, is in stable condition following a recent surgery, as per an official medical report from Hospital Sírio-Libanês in Brasília. The medical team is currently evaluating the possibility of discharging him today.

The update indicates that Lula is progressing well and has been able to walk and navigate stairs with the assistance of physiotherapists. He continues to receive attentive care from the medical team led by doctors Roberto Kalil Filho, Ana Helena Germoglio, and Giancarlo Cavalli Polessello.

President Lula's Health Update

Initially, it was expected that President Lula would be discharged on Tuesday, but his recovery is exceeding initial expectations. Following his release, he is expected to spend a minimum of three weeks at Palácio da Alvorada and avoid presidential travel for a period ranging from four to six weeks.

On Friday, the 30th, President Lula underwent successful surgeries on his hip and eyelids, addressing discomfort he had been experiencing since August of the previous year.

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