"Kevin McCarthy Ousted as Speaker of the House" "Kevin McCarthy was voted out as House Speaker, a historic moment in Tuesday's vote."

"Donald Trump Nominated for Speaker" "Representative Troy Nehls nominated Donald Trump for the Speaker's role."

 "Legal Troubles Could Hinder Trump" "Republican Conference rules state that indicted members must step aside; Trump faces multiple charges."

"Trump's Recent Indictments" "Trump has been indicted four times in the past six months, facing various federal and state charges."

"Mixed Reactions in GOP" "Some House Republicans support Trump for Speaker, while others are cautious."

"Trump's Response" "Trump expresses reluctance: 'It's not something I want to do.'"

"No Clear GOP Candidate" "Despite McCarthy's ouster, there's no clear Republican candidate for Speaker."

"Historical Perspective" "Traditionally, House Speakers have been members of Congress, but no constitutional requirement exists."

"Legal Hurdles" "Indictments may pose a significant hurdle for Trump's candidacy as Speaker."

"GOP's Mixed Signals" "GOP members express varying degrees of support for Trump's Speaker bid."